Two Blue Aces (TBA) was founded on principles and leadership skills accrued as military Generals as a way to advise businesses around the world. TBA provides executive-level services to our clients and focuses on their business needs for leadership training, team building and mentoring. With a wealth of knowledge and expertise in various industries, TBA specializes in strategic reviews, business plan development, and leadership/mentor training. Two Blue Aces will help you develop solutions that improve your company's performance by increasing your employees' ability to handle change in their work environment.

30,000 FEET
This book contains both personal anecdotes and stories about the men and women who’ve led these generals and who’ve served alongside these generals. These profiles in leadership have been gleaned through their decades of service and leadership.
Although the five generals have retired from active duty, they are all still passionate about helping others lead well. That’s why they formed Two Blue Aces LLC, a leadership consulting company that advises businesses around the world. Together, they specialize in strategic reviews, business plan development, and leadership and mentor training.